Reservations required due to Covid restrictions.
Reservations are accepted for each week starting on the Friday before.
To make a reservation, you must complete the form below or email the club ( by 6:30 pm on the evening of the session. The club will reply to confirm that your email was received and that your spot was reserved, or you may get a reply that there is no space available. Do not come to the club unless you get confirmation of your reservation. Also, if your plans change and you will not be coming, please cancel your reservation so that someone else can take your place.
These are the current rules from last summer and fall:
- Unless/until the state and local authorities end requirements for social distancing, we will have a maximum of 22 people in the club at one time, due to socially distanced seating area available.
- Due to the limit on the number of people we can accommodate, players will need to reserve a spot at the club via email to by 6:00 pm each night. The player must receive a reply from the club confirming their spot. Please also email the club if you need to cancel, so that another person can have your spot.
- These guidelines will be reviewed and adjusted as state and local regulations change.
- If a player tests positive for Covid at any time, they must notify the club for contact tracing purposes.
- If a player starts to feel sick while at the club, they must notify an officer and leave immediately.
- Players must be symptom free for 7 days, fever free and without a cough for 72 hours, unless they are quarantined because of contact with known Covid-19 patient in which case they must obey the 14 day quarantine before coming to the club. (Symptoms: Shortness of breath, dry cough, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, body aches, mucus or phlegm, sore throat, headache, chills, loss of smell or taste, stuffy nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.)
- Masks are required at all times except when playing.
- What players should bring: a face mask; hand sanitizer if they have it; a hand towel; have exact dues amount if at all possible (we can accept Venmo for electronic payment).
- Follow the social distancing, hand sanitizing and cleaning rules as posted at the club.
- Players who do not follow new routines after a friendly reminder or two, or show open resistance, will be asked to leave.
- We discourage use of the water fountain; players should bring bottled water instead.
- No doubles until the state/local health department guidance ends requirement for social distancing or if all participants are fully vaccinated and 2 weeks past their final vaccination date.
- League nights will continue as usual. Only one person in each group will record scores/handle the clipboard and pen.
Sign In Process:
- Temperature scan before sign in; if fever is detected, player will be sent home.
- Players use hand sanitizer before sign in.
- There will be a cup with Clean pens and one for Used pens.
- There is a COVID specific waiver sheet to be signed (only needed once per person, not for each session).
- Make sure we have contact info (email and phone), in case we need to contact you about a COVID positive.
- Players do not handle money envelope; volunteer will take money and place in envelope, give change if needed.
- Venmo can be used as optional payment method.
Player Instructions:
- Players keep six feet apart when entering and signing in, and moving about the room.
- Seating will be 1 chair for every 6 ft of wall space; place your bags on the floor
- Retrieve game balls that come into your seating area
- Walk on table side of barriers to keep distance from seated players
Putting Up and Taking Down Tables
- People putting up a table also take a tote box set up for each table with hand sanitizer, table cleaner, paper towels, and trash bag; sanitize hands when done setting up table.
- At the end of the session, tables should have been cleaned by the last people to use them.
- People putting away a table (and bringing the supplies tote back to the stage) sanitize hands when done.
Bathroom Use
- Use a paper towel to handle door lock upon entering
- Use forearm to press paper towel dispensing bar
- Use a paper towel to press flush lever
- Players wash hands for 20 seconds when done
- Use a paper towel to open the door, push doorstop in place with foot before leaving.
Waiting list
- Waiting list is now a Dry Erase board. Clean and Used marker bins will be provided; when clean bin gets low, the used pens will be wiped down and moved back to the clean bin.
- One person can write in names of several people to reduce the number of people using pens (reduces frequency of cleaning used pens).
- Players please refrain from wiping hands on a table to dry them;
- players should bring a towel or rag for drying sweaty hands.
- If your sweat gets on the table, clean your hands at the end of the game, and then use spray cleaner to clean your side of the table before changing ends.
- After each match, players clean hands, and ball owner cleans the ball.
- When changing ends, walk on opposite side of table from your opponent.
- Players wipe down the table top at the end of each match.
- No handshakes, no high fives, no elbow bumps; just say something like nice game wave and leave the table.
Sanitizing of Facility
Doors & Handles
- Outside Entrance will be propped open
- Inner Doors, entrance side and bathroom side – prop open unless wind is coming into playing area
Sign In Area
- Clean about six feet of counter area for sign in, marked with blue tape. (See below for sign in procedure.)
- The bathroom will be disinfected with cleaner including the door lock/handle, the light switch, sink, faucet handles, toilet handle, seat and lid. The light switch will be turned on, and left on until the end of the night.
Water Fountain
- Fountain will be wiped down at start of session. We are discouraging use, but put paper towels will be nearby, if needed, to use when pressing button.
- Chairs are spaced 6+ feet apart (will need to use both sides of the room; 10 on each long wall)
- One chair per person. Players put all bags on floor
- Barriers will be 6 feet from chairs
- Please walk on table side of barriers to keep distance from seated players
- Table tops are cleaned by players after every match
Club Paddles
- The club will provide a number of loaner paddles for use by players who do not have paddles. There will be “Clean” and “Used” bins for the paddles. Paddles have numbers on the end of the handles so players can identify a favorite paddle.