Club History

In January of 1966, our club officially began in the basement of Gene Wonderlin’s house as “The Pennsauken Table Tennis Club” playing one night a week. As membership increased it was expanded to two nights a week.

Gene Wonderlin

In March of 1967, we began renting evenings at the Maple Shade 25 Club in Maple Shade, NJ as an opportunity to expand even more. It was at this time the name was changed to “The West Jersey Table Tennis Club”. Each evening lights would be strung across the room and four tables set-up. Most evenings there was free beer left over from parties.

In April 1970, we moved to the second floor above the Woolworth store at 26th and Federal streets in Camden, NJ. For several years this was utopia. We enjoyed wooden floors, barriers between the now five tables and good lighting. The tables were set up all the time and people could play whenever they wanted. During our stay at this location, two United States Table Tennis Association (USTTA) sanctioned tournaments were held.

Unfortunately, all good things eventually come to an end. Due to vandalism and declining membership the club was forced to move.

In 1982, the club returned to Pennsauken to the present location where we rent the gymnasium at the Pennsauken United Methodist Church two nights a week.

Pennsauken United Methodist Church

Each evening of play we used up to eight tables and barriers. Netting was also placed on the sides of the tables to reduce the ball travel and interference to other players. During this time Jack Born was president and Bill Camlin, treasurer.

In 2000, our club “paddle” logo was conceived.

Since 2001, the club started holding round robin events for club points on the first and third Thursday of the month. Les Spector became our league coordinator.

In 2002, we were again affiliated with the National Table Tennis Association, now called United States of America Table Tennis (USATT).

In 2003, Norm and Gene retired from the officers’ position and new officers took over (Lim Ming Chui became president, Robert Hodgson became vice president, and Karen Ryan became treasurer). Two new Stiga tables were added for a total of eight tables.

In 2003, our new “color” club logo was created, and in 2016 it was finalized.

In January 2004, the club switched from round robin events to the official USATT League competition format. (see ‘League Info’ tab for more details)

In 2005, we initiated coaching by Marius Wechsler. Twice a month for a nominal fee, helped by a couple other upper level members.

In 2006, the fluorescent lighting was replaced to increase the lighting level 2.5 times.

In July 2010, five high quality Butterfly Europa 25 tables were purchased.

In 2011, air conditioning was added to the gym by the club. 

In April 2013, Les Spector moved away and resigned and Scott Kandell replaced him as league coordinator.

In May 2014, the first official elections for club officers were completed. Lim Ming Chui was replaced as president by Robert Hodgson and John Wooten became vice president.  Karen Ryan retained her position as club treasurer.

In December 2015, the eight Stiga tables were retired and three more of the Butterfly Europa 25 tables were purchased.

On March 9, 2020, Robert moved away and resigned and Marius Wechsler replaced him as club president. 

Marius = blue shirt & black shorts.  Robert = grey shirt

Marius = blue shirt & black shorts.  Robert = grey shirt

On March 11, 2020, we created our Facebook page:   West Jersey Table Tennis Club Facebook page(This is the first place to check for:  updated league results, new action photos, and new video clips.)

In April 2020, the lighting was replaced again to brighter, longer-lasting, circular LED bulbs. 

In early 2021, John Wooten resigned and Alla Lantsman replaced him as vice president.

In March 2021, our new club website was created.

In January 2023, we started playing on Saturdays, besides Tuesdays and Thursdays.

In February 2023, the lower half of the walls were painted to a darker shade of green. This upgrade increased visibility of the white ball by providing more contrast.

In May 2023, we started playing on Sundays, besides Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

In November 2023 our club’s team participated in the 2023 JOOLA NA Teams Championships for the first time.

On March 8th 2025, our club proudly hosted its first-ever tournament, a historic moment for our growing table tennis community. This competition was part of the esteemed George Braithwaite Major League, organized by PongSpace, bringing together talented players from various clubs across the country. Read more about this event here.